Thursday, December 15, 2022

America needs a superhero, but instead we got the same old fool













Donald Trump had a video claiming “America needs a superhero” and promising a “major announcement.” What was it? An article by Nikki McCann Ramirez at Rolling Stone on December 15, 2022 is titled Trump’s ‘Major Announcement’ was a scammy, superhero-themed NFT collection and the subtitle explains:


“For $99 you can now own a digitally generated image of the former president cosplaying as an astronaut, fighter pilot, sheriff, or red-carpet celebrity”


Another article by Rafi Schwartz at The Week on December 15, 2022 titled Trump’s ‘MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT’ was a line of $99 NFT trading cards with ‘no inherent monetary value’ includes images of those cards.The web page for the cards is here.

It’s just another sleazy fund-raising scheme. If you collect 45 cards, then you win a ticket for a dinner with The Donald. Wow!




The New York Post even ran an editorial late on the night of December 15, 2022 titled Don’t give any money to con artist Trump.  



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