Saturday, December 24, 2022

Happy Holidays to us and Donald Trump


















The Donald played Santa and we got a pair of book-length collections about him as presents for Christmas. News media will be delighted to analyze them at length during what commonly is a slack news period afterward. Trump will get lots of attention, but likely not the kind he prefers.  


One was the release of Trump’s tax returns. An article by Dan Mangan at CNBC on December 20, 2022 titled Read how much Trump paid – or didn’t pay – in taxes each year included a link to a .pdf file. I was disappointed but not surprised to find that for 2016 Trump paid less income tax than I did. Another article by Brian Faler at Politico on December 22, 2022 titled Five red flags in Trump’s taxes said those were:


Mammoth Business Losses

Mingling Expenses?

Loans to His Kids

Land Conservation

Foreign Taxes


The other is the conclusion and final report from the House’s January 6 th committee. At CNN Politics on December 19, 2022 there is still another article titled Jan. 6 committee votes to refer Trump to DOJ on multiple criminal charges. The Lincoln Project brilliantly summarized them in a brief YouTube video titled Uh, Oh, Donald. The 814-page final report is discussed in yet another article by Mary Clare Jalonick at AP on December 23, 2022 titled Jan. 6 report blames Trump, aims to prevent return to power.


My cartoon with children and books was Photoshopped from a December 4, 1901 Puck magazine cover at the Library of Congress.  


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