Tuesday, February 14, 2023

How I masked an overly bright LED pilot light



















At Rolling Stone on February 13, 2023 there is an article by Ryan Bort titled Trump used ‘Classified’ folder as a lamp shade, lawyer says. Trump reportedly did this:


“He has one of those landline telephones next to his bed, and it has a blue light on it, and it keeps him up at night. So he took the manilla folder and put it over so it would keep the light down so he could sleep at night,” Parlatore said. “It’s just this folder. It says ‘Classified Evening Summary’ on it. It’s not a classification marking. It’s not anything that is controlled in any way. There is nothing illegal about it.”


I have a handset for the landline phone sitting in a charger next to my bed. It has a yellow light (arrow) at the upper left corner that blinks when there is a message. So, I took a piece of black electrical tape, poked a small hole in it with a pin, and mostly covered up that light.    


When most people Trump’s age see a blue light, they think of a special in a Kmart store.




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