Friday, February 24, 2023

Planning a speech on a flipchart (or whiteboard) using sticky notes or note cards




















My previous post on February 22, 2023 is titled Use a flipchart, a whiteboard, or a napkin to capture your ideas. What do you do next to shape your ideas into a coherent speech or document? Back on March 17, 2011 I blogged about how to Use a storyboard to organize your presentation. A storyboard is a shorthand visual script. If you have a flipchart or a whiteboard, then you can write each idea down on either a 3” x 3” sticky note or a 3” x 5” sticky note card (as shown above). Then you can easily move those notes around until they tell a clear story. There is an old but excellent article by Marie Wallace at LLRX back on November 1, 1997 titled Guide on the Side – The power of Post-Its: Picture your speech.

















If you can’t keep a flipchart or whiteboard free, then you instead can use the smaller 1-1/2” x 2” sticky notes inside of a file folder, as shown above (and in my 2011 post). Bert Decker and company have a tool and system based on this called the GRID (a trademark). It is discussed at length in his book You’ve Got to Be Believed to Be Heard. They have a four-page .pdf download about it that mentions the acronym SHARP which stands for Stories, Humor, Analogies, References (and quotes), and Pictures (and visuals). They have a blog post on June 20, 2018 titled SHARPen Your Edge, and another single-page .pdf download titled Decker SHARPS - Your cheat sheet & guide.


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