Wednesday, May 17, 2023

A cartoon with a literal definition for ‘white wash’













I laughed when I read the caption of Tony Carrillo’s F Minus cartoon on May 15, 2023, which has a painter state:


“When all they want is a fresh coat of white, our policy is to wash the wall clean and tell them we painted it.”


The Merriam-Webster dictionary definition for the noun, whitewash is:


“a liquid composition for whitening a surface: such as a composition (as of lime and water or whiting, size, and water) for whitening structural surfaces.”


A well-known literary reference to whitewashing a fence is in Mark Twain’s novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, as portrayed in this five-minute YouTube video.


The image of a man and a house wall was modified from this one at Openclipart.



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