Monday, June 26, 2023

What you write is not finished until you proofread it
















At the Gem State Patriot News blog on June 25, 2023 there is a post by Dr. John Livingston titled City Planning is Not Settled Science. His third paragraph says:


“The father of modern-day urban planning was John Freidman. He is revered in departments of urban planning across our country. His modern-day humanistic philosophy was centered around ‘social justice’. They are very different from Biblical Justice or theories of Entitlement ‘Equality’. He stated before his death in 2019 that they are grounded in Eastern mysticism and Chinese Marxist economic theories.”


But a quick Google search reveals an article by Stan Paul at the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs on June 13, 2017 titled John Friedmann, the ‘Father of Urban Planning,’ dies at 91. Dr. Livingston got both his name and year of death wrong. On November 2, 2022 I blogged about how Unwillingness to proofread runs deep. And on September 11, 2020 I blogged about Editing tips for speechwriters and other writers. And back on October 4, 2017 I blogged about how What you write is not finished until you have proofread it.


Also, in his next to last paragraph, Dr. Livingston said:


“As Milton Freidman wisely opined ‘The road to hell ( with transportation nodes, and access portals to the green belt through neighborhoods—jl.) is paved with good but misinformed intentions.’ ”


Again, a Google search would reveal he again had swapped the first i and e in the last name, and meant to refer to the famous economist Milton Friedman.


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