Thursday, July 13, 2023

Quotations from Vital Speeches of the Day: # 001 – Jacinda Ardern


















Jacinda Ardern served as the 40th Prime Minister of New Zealand. An article at Vital Speeches of the Day on March 2023 (pages 39 and 40) is titled I will not be seeking reelection. In her speech to the Labour Party Caucus at Wellington, New Zealand on January 19, 2023 she succinctly stated:


“I know what this job takes, and I know that I no longer have enough in the tank to do it justice. It is that simple.”


You can watch a video of that speech here on YouTube.


At his Manner of Speaking blog John Zimmer has a long series on quotes. On March 14, 2023 he has a post titled Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 350) – Rudyard Kipling. I don’t know how he selects his. But instead I decided to look at recent ones from David Murray’s magazine, Vital Speeches of the Day, which I can read at EBSCOhost via databases from my friendly local public library.  


The image was adapted from page 127 of The Grammar of Ornament.



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