Thursday, July 27, 2023

Quotations from Vital Speeches of the Day: # 002 – Hakeem Jeffries


















In a speech of January 7, 2023 delivered on the floor of the U. S. House of Representatives, and titled A Year of Ambiguity: What Direction Will We Choose? the Minority Leader, Hakeem Jeffries, alphabetically stated the following:


“House Democrats will always put:


American values over autocracy

Benevolence over bigotry

The Constitution over the cult

Democracy over demagogues

Economic opportunity over extremism

Freedom over fascism

Governing over gaslighting

Hopefulness over hatred

Inclusion over isolation

Justice over judicial overreach

Knowledge over kangaroo courts

Liberty over limitation

Maturity over Mar-a-Lago

Normalcy over negativity

Opportunity over obstruction

People over politics

Quality of life issues over Q-Anon

Reason over racism

Substance over slander

Triumph over tyranny

Understanding over uglieness

Voting Rights over voter suppression

Working families over the well-connected

Xenial over xenophobia

Yes we can over you can’t do it

And zealous representation over zero-sum confrontation.”


His speech appeared on pages 47 and 48 in the March 2023 issue of Vital Speeches of the Day magazine.


The image was adapted from page 511 of The Grammar of Ornament.


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