Friday, August 4, 2023

Quotations from Vital Speeches of the Day: #3 Marcus Fila on playing the long game



















Marcus Fila is an Associate Professor of Management at Hope College. In a speech delivered at their commencement on May 8, 2022 he said to avoid short-term thinking, and that:


“You have to be willing to give something up today in order to have something better tomorrow – and this is why so few people bother to play the long game. But if done well (and I’m a work in progress on this myself) there can be many immediate pleasures and rewards of playing the long game, in the knowledge that you are setting the foundations for long-term flourishing.”


His speech appeared in the August 2022 issue of Vital Speeches of the Day magazine on pages 186 and 187.


The pattern came from page 431 of The Grammar of Ornament.


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