Thursday, November 23, 2023

Five recent articles on using analogies
















I found an excellent recent article by Dr. Juan Miguel Balbin, Dr. Khatora Opperman and Dr. Tulio Rossi at AnimateYourScience on November 7, 2022 titled How to write effective analogies for communicating research. It includes the metaphor that Blood vessels are highways in your body (illustrated above). There is another excellent article by Leopold Ajami at Medium on June 7, 2023 titled Are you speaking with analogies?


There also is a series of three articles from July 2023 by Anthony Sanni. One on July 3, 2023 is titled Master the Analogy  – a powerful persuasive tool. Another on July 24, 2023 is titled Gain mastery of the analogy II, and a third on July 31, 2023 is titled Master the Analogy III – Mistakes to Avoid.


The Tolo highway image came from Wikimedia Commons.


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