Saturday, December 23, 2023

Finding new niches to blog or speak about













I am over seventy years old, and have been writing this blog for more than fifteen years. But I still haven’t run out of topics to write or speak about.


I can always take a wider view - look beyond where I have been previously. For example, on December 15, 2023 I blogged about Warming up by speaking through a straw: semi-occluded vocal tract exercises (SOVTE). That post was inspired by a Reader’s Digest article I blogged about the previous day, in another post titled To nail your next speech, follow these eight tips. And that article showed up on my Google alert for the phrase ‘public speaking’.


Back on October 18, 2022 I blogged about Tips for taking care of your voice. That got me thinking about hoarseness, which I blogged about on September 20, 2023 in a post titled Recent and definitive advice on preventing hoarseness (dysphonia). That post became my theme when I served as Toastmaster for the October 25, 2023 meeting of the Pioneer Club in Boise.  


The PowerPoint cartoon was derived from a Pearson Scott Foresman (PSF) drawing of a niche at Wikimedia Commons.  


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