Sunday, December 3, 2023

Talking on Eggshells by Sam Horn is an interesting and useful book





















I have been reading the 2023 book by Sam Horn titled Talking on Eggshells: Soft Skills for Hard Conversations There is a five-minute YouTube video by her about this book. It is both interesting and useful. At the end of each chapter there is a Reminder Card with Words to Lose and Words to Use. For example, the preview at Google Books lists these seven:


Page 18 What to Do When Talking on Eggshells

Page 31 Developing Interpersonal Situational Awareness

Page 43 Setting an Example of Proactive Grace

Page 50 P.L.A.N. for Challenging Conversations

Page 63 What to Do If People Are Being Rude

Page 75 What to Do When People Are Disagreeing

Page 83 What to Do When People Are Blaming and Shaming


P.L.A.N. is an abbreviation for:


P - Put Your Purpose in One Sentence

L- Learn their P.I.N.

A - Anticipate Resistance and Make It Moot

N - Name a New Direction




























Two more cards with examples not in the preview about being afraid to speak up and being nervous are shown above.


The drawing by Charles Garabed Atamian came from Wikimedia Commons.


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