Friday, January 19, 2024

The Joy of 2x2 tables, or charts, or matrixes











2x2 graphics are very useful for all sorts of planning. They are the next level beyond a one-dimensional description where typically ‘more is better.’ On July 3, 2020 I blogged about Is that 2x2 graphic a table, a chart, or a matrix? Should the axis go from left to right or right to left? And then on July 5, 2020 I blogged about Is that 2x2 graphic a chart, or a matrix? How many quadrants are there?


More recently, starting on November 13, 2023 I blogged about many different 2x2 graphics, as are shown above. If you want to learn much more, then look at a 348-page book from two decades ago (2004) by Alex Lowy and Phil Hood titled The Power of the 2x2 Matrix: Using 2x2 thinking to solve business problems and make better decisions.






















How can you decide when you need a 2x2 chart? As shown above, there is a 2x2 chart for that from Jeremiah Owyang at flickr on November 12, 2009 titled Matrix: Do You Need a 2x2 Matrix. The Magic 8 Ball is discussed in a Wikipedia page. It contains a floating icosahedron that has 20 answers, ten affirmative, five negative, and five non-committal.



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