Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Learning about public speaking from a sandwich artist, a sportscaster, and an accountant








There is an interesting article by Bobby Powers titled What a sandwich artist, a sportscaster, and an accountant taught me about public speaking. It’s wonderful how you can learn from very different people. (I have learned from a veterinarian, a novelist, and an electrical engineer).


His seven tips are:


Use stories as your Trojan Horse.

Create villains for your audience to hate.

Beware the curse of knowledge.

Paint vivid mental pictures.

Embrace the power of silence.

Practice twice as much as you normally would.

Fly at multiple altitudes.


A sportscaster taught him to replace filler words with pauses. And an accountant taught him about the Curse of Knowledge (not remembering when you didn’t know a subject inside out). Back on November 6, 2009 I blogged about Knowledge, consciousness, and curses.


Images of sandwich makers, a sportscaster and an auditor all were adapted from Wikimedia Commons.


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