Thursday, March 14, 2024

Donald J. Trump has seven new false claims




















There is another fact check article by Glenn Kessler at the Washington Post on March 14, 2024 titled Trump has a bunch of new false claims. Here’s a guide. Seven new ones are:


Biden was declared ‘incompetent’ to stand trial in documents case

The United States is a Third World country

Prisons are being emptied around the world to flood U.S. borders

Congo has released murderers into the United States

15 million migrants have entered the United States under Biden [really 4 to 5 million]

The inflation rate under Biden is 50 percent [cumulatively it is 18.5 percent]

Native-born Americans have lost 1 million jobs to immigrants [it’s half that]


And he continues to repeat seven previous ones:


He created the greatest U.S. economy in U.S. history (not by any metric).

He passed the biggest tax cut in history (it ranks 8th).

He did more for Black people than any president than Abraham Lincoln (not by any metric).  

He defeated ISIS in four weeks (it took the United States and coalition partners more than two years after he took office).

He was the first president to impose tariffs on China (China has faced U.S. tariffs since George Washington first enacted them in 1789).

He increased government revenue even though he cut taxes (False).


My ‘liar, liar, pants on fire’ cartoon was assembled from trousers and fire at Openclipart.


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