Thursday, May 2, 2024

PhD students can give Three Minute Thesis speeches





















There is a specialized brief presentation format for graduate students in Doctor of Philosophy programs called the Three Minute Thesis (3MT). It started in 2008 at the University of Queensland, spread to over 200 universities, and even has a Wikipedia page. The competitor guide allows for just one static PowerPoint slide rather than the twenty in longer Ignite or Pecha Kucha formats. Here in Idaho there are web pages from both Boise State University and the University of Idaho.


At the MIT News on April 30, 2024 there is an article by Amanda Cornwall titled Science communication competition brings research into the real world about their version called the MIT Research Slam.


Back on January 10, 2020 I blogged about How old are brief (3 to 7 minute) speech formats?


The cartoon was assembled from a DIY clock face and number three at Openclipart.


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