Friday, July 26, 2024

Five pros and five cons of joining Toastmasters International



















At Castanet on July 22, 2024 there is a balanced article by Wade Paterson titled The pros and cons of Toastmasters. It is accompanied by a 13–1/ 2 minute YouTube video titled BEST and WORST Things About TOASTMASTERS. Wade is from Kelowna in southeast British Columbia and has been a Toastmasters member for a decade.


His five pros are:


1] The constant practice

2] Constructive feedback

3] Reduction of speaking anxiety

4] Affordable cost

5] Leadership and development opportunities


His five cons are:    


1} You can get too comfortable

2} Limitations/formalities

3} Inconsistent feedback

4} It’s not free

5} The repetitiveness


The cost is indeed quite affordable. International dues are just U.S. $10 per month. Semi-annual international dues are U.S. $60, with a new member fee of U.S. $20. There also possibly are club dues to cover items like supplies and rental of a venue.   


Under You can get too comfortable, at 12:10 in the video Wade says: 


“We know that Toastmasters is always five to seven minutes.”


That is not quite true. At Level 4 in the Pathways educational program there is an elective project titled Question-And-Answer Session (Item 8413) where the speech and the question-and-answer session together must take 15 to 20 minutes.


And at Level 5 there is a project titled Prepare to Speak Professionally (Item 8509) that calls for an 18-to-22-minute keynote-style speech. It is required in the Presentation Mastery path, and is an elective in the other ten paths.


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