Monday, December 9, 2024

Fifty Awful School Presentations



















 We always can learn from mistakes made by others. There is an article by Robyn Smith and Rugile Baltruanite at boredpanda on December 8, 2024 titled 50 Terrible School Presentations People Have Had The Displeasure of Witnessing. I picked three of them.





















When doing research, you should recognize some web sites are satirical, like The Onion. The #4 presentation said that:


“In college during Abnormal Psychology, [when] a student did an entire presentation on Obama’s bipolar disorder she kept citing an article from The Onion.”













And the #13 presentation said:


“Sophmore year of high school we were tasked with bringing in an object from home and giving a presentation on how the object explains you as a person. Kid brought in a knife, not a big one, but a knife nevertheless. He actually gave a decent presentation … but ended up getting expelled because of it later that day.”



















Finally, the #24 presentation involved a smelly fruit called a durian, which in Wikipedia is described:


“The persistence of its strong odour, which may linger for several days, has led some hotels and public transportation services in Southeast Asia, such as in Singapore and Bangkok, to ban the fruit.”


Her presentation unfortunately was:


“Someone gave a speech about durian in a class once. She brought a small frozen sample that thawed as the class went on. The professor let students step out of the room. Coincidentally, one of the culinary classes reported a gas leak and pulled the fire alarm.”


The cartoon was adpated from Openclipart. Images of an onion, a  kabar knife, and a durian all came from Wikimedia Commons.  



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