Saturday, January 18, 2025

How to Write Your Speech Outline




















Way back on July 5, 2009 I blogged about how there are Two types of speech outlines: speaking and preparation. The less well-known speaking outline is used when practicing your delivery.


The Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas has a three-page pdf article on Outlining Your Speech that discusses both types. Preparation outlines are written with full sentences; speaking outlines are written with key words. Main points are headed by Roman numerals, subpoints by Arabic numbers, and sub-sub-points by capital letters, etc.


A web page from the Purdue Online Writing Lab titled Four Main Components for Effective Outlines describes parallelism, coordination, subordination, and division. Parallelism means headings and subheadings should have parallel structure. Coordination means different headings should have the same significance. Subordination means that subheadings should be more specific and headings more general. Division means each heading should be divided into at least two parts.


On August 14, 2024 I blogged about Six ways to create an outline for your presentation.


My cartoon adapted a scroll from Openclipart.


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