Thursday, February 23, 2012

Getting useful structured feedback on speeches

On February 21st at the Inter-Activ Presenting & Influencing blog Gavin Meikle asked How do you know if your presentations are any good? Then he described five questions that could be answered with ratings on a 1 to 10 scale. He asked how others assess speaker effectiveness.

Last July I blogged about an Online directory of speech evaluation forms, and in May 2010 I blogged on Rubrics and figuring out where you are.

Back in 1990 the National Communication Association devised The Competent Speaker Speech Evaluation Form. It has eight competencies (four each on content and delivery) rated as either  Unsatisfactory, Satisfactory, or Excellent. The 2nd edition of their detailed publication about it from 2007 can be downloaded as an 47-page Acrobat .pdf file at the Assessment Resources page on their web site by just clicking on that title. 

Even if you ask nicely for structured feedback you may still get unhelpful suggestions. Tom Fishburne has a bunch of cartoons about the eight types of bad creative critics, creative directors, managers, and leaders.

The cartoon about how too many cooks spoil the broth was adapted from an 1884 Puck magazine cover.

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