Sunday, August 12, 2012

A bicycle ride and a joyous birthday party

On Saturday afternoon in Boise, Idaho a local woman celebrated her 39th birthday by taking a bicycle ride with her young son from the Boise Depot downhill to Capitol Park, and then having a party. That event made the front page of Sunday’s Idaho Statesman. Why?

Kristin Armstrong is famous for a couple other of her bicycle rides. She came back from London with her second Olympic gold medal in the time trials. In 2008 she’d won her first in Beijing. At her party she said about London that:

“One of my fears before I competed was what would happen if I didn't get on that podium. How would I come home?’ Armstrong said. ‘I know how I'd come home. I'd come home with all of you welcoming me home, whether I won or whether I was fifth." 

It’s wonderful to have an inspiration like her around here.

The image by Peter Trimming came from Wikimedia Commons.

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