Friday, August 10, 2012

Latest CareerBuilder survey on biggest workplace fears found that presenting only ranked third

In a June 28th story posted on the WORKBUZZ blog and at the largest online job website in the U.S., CareerBuilder com, titled What is your biggest workplace fear? Debra Auerbach described the results from an online poll of workers. The top seven responses are shown above in a bar chart. Click on it to see a larger, clearer version.

Getting yelled at by the boss came first (26%), oversleeping came second (23%), and presenting came third (18%). Those results confirmed a previous survey reported last October on What are employees most afraid of at work? that found presenting to be (tied for) the third fear on the list. I blogged about it here. So, once again speaking in public isn’t the number one workplace fear in the U.S. 

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