Sunday, August 25, 2019

Web links for finding 666 Table Topics questions for Toastmasters club meetings

Table Topics is the impromptu speaking section of a Toastmasters club meeting where members get to give a one to two minute answer to a question. That section uses questions asked by the Table Topics Master. Where does he or she get those questions?

In my July 7, 2019 blog post titled Club officers in Toastmasters (VPPR and VPM) should use all the brains they can borrow I had mentioned Lark Doley’s Golden Knowledge Base. Her web  page on Club Meetings lists a .docx file for D46_101 Ideas for Great Table Topics_Mark LaVergne and a .pdf file for D08_365 Sample Table Topics_John. Elsewhere there also is a .pdf with the 101 Ideas.

In my February 24, 2018 blog post titled Were you recently visited by the Table Topics Bunny? I mentioned that a search for Table Topics questions should also use the phrase “icebreaker questions”. At Conversation Starters World you can find a web page with 200 Icebeaker questions (and also a .pdf version).

The image of a Triumphant cartoon woman was modified from one at Wikimedia Commons.

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