Friday, July 16, 2021

Heritage Interpretation - telling historical stories to people











































Wikipedia has a web page about Heritage interpretation. Back on December 19, 2010 I blogged about Heritage interpretation and public speaking. A blog post by Mark Woolman at Museums + Heritage on July 31, 2017 titled You’re a what? Interpreting Interpretation to Non-interpreters quotes Freeman Tilden’s definition for interpretation:


“An educational activity which aims to reveal meaning and relationships through the use of original objects, by first-hand experience, and by illustrative media, rather than simply to communicate factual information.”


As is shown above, historical signs are one type of illustrative media. You also can visit the Tabernacle (in Paris, Idaho) and get a narrated tour.  


At Saved by Nature on October 22, 2020 there is an article titled Freeman Tilden – the father of Heritage Interpretation: People of the Parks Past, Series #8.


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