Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Improperly plural names for single motor vehicles











Today at a red light on the way home from the supermarket I got behind a Kia Spectra (as shown above). But spectra is the plural of spectrum, so that single vehicle really should be called a Spectrum. (Chevrolet and Geo earlier had a Spectrum).























Nissan has a couple of plural names for SUVs. There is the Armada – but the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines an armada as “a fleet of warships.” There also is the Kicks, which should be a Kick.














Chevrolet has a subcompact crossover SUV called the Trax, which is a misspelling for Tracks. Elsewhere it sometimes is known as a Tracker.


















When Kia runs out of names, they might make a Recta (plural for rectum).  


Back on June 9, 2013 I blogged about Playing with words like kids and suggested that Toyota might call a mud-slinging SUV a Tergent - the opposite of a detergent.  


Images for the Spectra, Armada, Kicks, and Trax came from Wikimedia Commons. The Recta was adapted from a cartoon at OpenClipArt.   


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