Monday, July 12, 2021

Two Savage Chickens cartoons on how not to give feedback






















































On June 28 and June 29 Doug Savage has a pair of his Savage Chickens cartoons, one titled How to Give Feedback 1-5 and a second titled How to Give Feedback 6-10. The first is shown above. Of course, for comic effect he instead shows what not to do. 


His chicken tactlessly uses the word idiot in all ten lessons. My favorite is Lesson #8 - Try the classic good-bad-good feedback sandwich:

“I like your hat. You’re a complete idiot, with impeccable taste in hats.”


Doug’s advice is quite standard. For example, the Toastmasters International publication titled Giving Effective Feedback (Item 317A in The Leadership Excellence Series) lists the first two as Be Specific and Use the “I” Technique.


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