Monday, August 9, 2021

Is that a RHINO or a RINO?









At Wikipedia the acronym RINO redirects to a page titled Republican In Name Only. There is an article by Phil Edwards at Vox on September 29, 2015 titled A brief history of the term RINO, from Roosevelt to Boehner.


But at the Gem State Patriot News blog for August 4, 2021 there is an article by Dr. John Livingston, who is notorious for not proofreading his writing, titled ED (Electile Dysfunction) which says in the fourth paragraph that:  


“….We have three conservatives running for Governor in the Republican primary and they have been triangulated and essentially marginalized by the Romney/Kasich - RHINO establishment wing of our party.”


And in the sixth paragraph he says:


“….They are essentially placing themselves above the cause—which is what the RHINOs and their close allies the Dems want us to do and are counting on…..”


The word rhino instead refers to a rhinoceros, and the acronym to Really Here In Name Only.


Images of a rhinoceros unicornis and Mitt Romney both came from Wikimedia Commons.  


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