Friday, August 13, 2021

Donald J. Trump’s escalating language













Recently Donald Trump has escalated his language against opponents from the Democratic Party. In a February 2021 speech at CPAC he whined about (small-r) radical democrats:


“For the next four years, the brave Republicans in this room will be at the heart of this effort to oppose the radical Democrats,” Trump ranted. “I’m going to continue to fight right by your side.”


Only July 29th the r in radical now was captitalized:


“Fight for America, not for special interests and Radical Democrats.”


An article by Chris Cillizza at CNN on June 7, 2021 titled The most dangerous word for Democrats in 2022 pointed out that at the North Carolina GOP Convention he now called them (capital S) Socialists:


"Joe Biden and the Socialist Democrats are the most radical left-wing administration in history"


On July 27th he escalated further by proclaiming:


“We cannot let Communist Democrats destroy our great cities.”


Stepping up to calling his opponents Communists isn’t surprising, considering his early mentor was Roy Cohn, who had been involved with Joseph McCarthy and his witch hunt.


The only combination Trump hasn’t used so far is one which showed up back at Colorado Springs in a 2007 newspaper when:


“…. hapless rookie congressman, Doug Lamborn, suffered yet another humiliating defeat at the hands of the Godless Communist Democrats.” 


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