Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Public speaking shouldn’t be your greatest weakness






























As shown above, during a job interview you might be asked about your greatest weakness. It shouldn’t be public speaking. If so, then you should get help and learn to get better. Consider joining Toastmasters International.


The August 13, 2021 Savage Chickens cartoon titled Friday the 13th: Part XXIX shows Jason Vorhees in a hockey goalie’s mask. (Jason appears in the Friday the 13th film franchise of a dozen slasher films with high body counts). Another cartoon from October 21, 2016 titled The Best Interview has a surprising answer for Why do you want to work here?






















An article by Rolf Bax at Resume.io on August 10, 2021 is titled The worst job interview questions, revealed. He reports results from a survey of 2,000 Americans, As shown above in two bar charts, What is your greatest weakness? is the eighth most commonly asked question, and the fifth hardest question to answer. The article also discusses how to answer those worst (hardest to answer) questions.   


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