Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Even more from Patrick Barry on writing – Writing as Mapping




















Earlier today I blogged about Still more from Patrick Barry on writing – The Force of Focus. Professor Barry (who also has a PhD in English) has a half-dozen more YouTube videos, all about Writing as Mapping. They came from workshops for University of Michigan law students in the fall of 2018.  You can watch all six in about eleven minutes. They are:


Writing as Mapping: the power of description (2:13)


Writing as Mapping: conscious strategies and unconscious assumptions (1:45)


Writing as Mapping: Greenland vs. Africa (1:52)


Writing as Mapping: Saul Steinberg and The New Yorker (0:35)


Writing as Mapping: Gall-Peters (1:13)


Writing as Mapping: political maps (3:12)


An image of famous African explorer David Livingstone holding a map came from the Library of Congress.

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