Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Still more from Patrick Barry on writing - The Force of Focus












Yesterday, June 27, 2022, I blogged about More from Patrick Barry on writing – Sentence Flow. Professor Barry has another eight YouTube videos from his fall 2014 writing workshops for University of Michigan law students, about The Force of Focus which total to just under 37 minutes. They are:


The Force of Focus: Italy won, France lost, and Hillary Clinton’s husband (9:24)


The Force of Focus: look on every exit as an entrance somewhere else (1:59)


The Force of Focus: Scotland stalker (2:37)


The Force of Focus: malpractice or mal-patient (4:56)


The Force of Focus: Harvard vs. Yale (8:51)


The Force of Focus: clean hands (1:43)


The Force of Focus: Joan Didion, Elle Woods, and the infinite power of grammar (2:55)


The Force of Focus: words to write by (4:21)


The image of a lens focusing wavefronts was adapted from a gif at Wikimedia Commons.  


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