Monday, July 18, 2022

Texas Republican party platform claims Biden didn’t win the 2020 presidential election; Idaho didn’t follow that silliness



















At Insider on July 14, 2022 there is an article by Kayla Gallagher about a 72-page report titled High-profile conservatives debunk Trump’s 2020 election claims: there was ‘no fraud that changed the outcome in even a single precinct.’ Despite that, another article by Bill Chappell at NPR on June 20, 2022 is titled Texas GOP’s new platform says Biden didn’t really win. It also calls for secession. That platform instead claims:


"We reject the certified results of the 2020 presidential election, and we hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States."


Of course, some Idaho Republicans wanted to say the same nonsense at their convention. An article by Keith Ridler at AP on July 14, 2022 is titled Idaho Republicans poised to reject 2020 election results. But instead an article by Steve Kirch at KMTV11 on July 17, 2022 titled IDGOP convention wraps up in Twin Falls reported:


“The one resolution sponsored by Sheila Ford out of Canyon County, citing that Joe Biden is not the legitimate president of the United States, did make it out of the resolutions committee.”


A cartoon of a baby crying came from Openclipart.


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