Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Rolling up your shirt sleeves makes you look informal



















As shown above, rolling up the sleeves of your shirt makes you look informal. An article by Simon Hall at the Cambridge Network on July 18, 2022 titled The strange psychology of public speaking mentioned that he didn’t have the energy and enthusiasm he needed unless he did that. Another article by Carola Long at FT (Financial Times) on October 27, 2021 titled What to wear for public speaking quoted Fashion stylist Victoria Hitchcock who said for women:


“Rolling up your sleeves will also make you much more approachable”


What should you avoid? A post at Gilda Bonanno’s blog on February 3, 2018 titled Public speaking body language mistakes: gestures, movement, posture & facial expressions mentioned:


“One of my public speaking coaching clients rolled and unrolled his shirt sleeves while he presented (we solved that problem by having him wear short sleeves).” 


An image of Barrack Obama was cropped from one at Wikimedia Commons.


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