Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Unsupported statements from an arrogant blowhard










The seventh paragraph of an article by Dr. John Livingston in the Gem State Patriot News on July 3, 2022 titled Idaho is not California contains the sweeping claim that:


“In the 15,000-year history of modern man, slavery had always been considered ethical in all societies and cultures.”


But, as illustrated above via a graphic, that blanket statement is obvious nonsense since the History of slavery should be no longer than the History of writing (which only goes back about 5,000 years). His claim just is an ipse dixit. John started to bring up that expansive claim about 15,000 years in comments on his June 5, 2022 article in the Gem State Patriot News titled Time for Some Common Sense, where he said:


“Focused Protection”—technically known as REVERSE ISOLATION has been used for 15,000 years.”


“In the 15,000-year history of modern man we have only once been able to eliminate a virus with vaccination—smallpox.”


That second statement about viruses is false. An article by the World Health Organization on October 24, 2019 titled Two out of three wild poliovirus strains eradicated begins by stating:


“In an historic announcement on World Polio Day, an independent commission of experts concluded that wild poliovirus type 3 (WPV3) has been eradicated worldwide. Following the eradication of smallpox and wild poliovirus type 2, this news represents a historic achievement for humanity.”


On June 29, 2022 I blogged about another of his articles in a post titled Don’t take advice from a crank – find a credible source instead.


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