Sunday, September 25, 2022

Donald Trump is spouting even more nonsense, this time about declassifying documents












On September 21, 2022 our former president was interviewed by Sean Hannity on Fox News. He made the following incredible statement (my italics):


“Sean: So, let me ask you this question, because I think this is the next logical question. Because the President of the United States, you unlike say Hilary Clinton and her case, a President has the power to declassify.


Donald: Correct.


Sean: OK. You have said on Truth Social a number of times you did declassify.


Donald: I did declassify, yes.


Sean: Ok. Is there a process? What was your process to declassify?


Donald:  There doesn’t have to be a process, as I understand it. You know, there’s different people say different things. But as I understand it, there doesn’t have to be. If you’re the President of the United States, you can declassify just by saying um ‘it’s declassified,’ even by thinking about it.


Because you’re sending it to Mar-a-Lago or to wherever you’re sending it. And there doesn’t have to be a process. There can be a process, but there doesn’t have to be. You’re the President, you make that decision. So, when you send it, it’s declassified.


We, I, declassified everything. Now, I declassified things and we were having a lot of problems with NARA. You know NARA is a radical left group of people running that thing and when you send documents over there I would say there’s a very good chance that a lot of those documents will never be seen again….”  


Actually declassifying documents involves a process involving written records of actions taken.


An article by Igor Derysh at Salon on September 22, 2022 titled “Donald has the right to remain silent”: Experts say Trump’s bonkers Fox interview could be evidence incredulously added:


“ ’Omg he's actually invoking the Secret Telepathic Unilateral Preemptive Irreversible Declassification (S.T.U.P.I.D.) defense,’ quipped Asha Rangappa, a former FBI agent and attorney.”


I have awarded The Donald a third Spoutly (complete with a red flag). His first and second are in previous posts.


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