Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Learning the art of active listening




























On August 29, 2022 Doug Savage published the Savage Chickens cartoon shown above about How to be a terrible listener. If you want to do better, then watch at an eight-minute YouTube video posted on August 31, 2022 titled The art of active listening | The Harvard Business Review Guide. It states that:


“Listening is an active, noncompetitive, two-way interaction”


That video is based on four excellent articles from the Harvard Business Review, linked to in the description for that video. On August 23, 2016 I blogged about one of them in a post titled What great listeners really do.


Also, the July 2020 issue of Toastmaster magazine has an article by Peggy Beach on pages 22 to 25 titled Are You Listening? And there is another article by Joel Schwartzberg on page 8 of the July 2022 issue about a podcast, titled 7 Ways leaders can listen more effectively.


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