Sunday, June 18, 2023

David Murray on work-life balance

















On May 30, 2023 I posted about Are there blogs written by professional speechwriters?, and mentioned David Murray’s Writing Boots blog. Recently, on June 1, 2023 he had an angry post titled A Day in the Rigorously Meaningless Life of One Corporate CEO. It was on an article by Payton Kirol originally at Fortune on May 21, 2021 titled The 34-year-old CEO of P. F. Chang’s wakes up at 4 a.m. and runs 8 miles every day. Here’s the Wall Street wunderkind’s daily routine. That Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is Damola Adamolekun. He gets up at 4:30 AM and works for thirteen and a half hours, till 6:00 PM. Mr. Murray retorts:


“I’ve run eight miles many days, training for long races. I’m not smarter, not sharper, not more energetic for doing so. Promise.”


In a follow-up post on June 6, 2023, titled A Day in the Sustainably Happy Life of A(nother) CEO, David described his more reasonable ten-hour day from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM. He strikes a better balance between work and life.  


Mr. Kirol’s article opened with Adamolekun’s statement that:


"My life is my work. My work is my life."


But then his article said:


“Although Adamolekun has never prioritized finding a work-life balance, he acknowledges that work impacts people differently. ‘It's an individual thing,’ he says, adding that you should separate the two if work is stressful. That’s why he encourages employees to build in ‘buffers,’ taking a day off on a Tuesday or Wednesday since weekends are usually busy at the restaurant due to higher demand.”


The second post in my blog, on May 26, 2008 is titled “Rocket Science” for Speech Topics. It discussed the NASA Work/Life Navigator, a four-page newsletter for which you can still find downloads of pdf files dated March 2004 to July 2006


The image of scales was adapted from this one at Openclipart.


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