Saturday, June 17, 2023

Is there a one-minute cure for every disease?

















Of course not. In 2008 there was a book by Madison Cavanaugh titled The One-Minute Cure, and there also is a second edition from 2021. But my title obeys Betteridge’s Law of Headlines, for which the Wikipedia page says:  


“Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no.”


A scathing article by Harriet Hall at Science-Based Medicine on June 16, 2019 is titled Can a One-Minute Cure Really Heal Virtually All Diseases? Harriet says that Cavanaugh was recommending taking 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide, starting with one drop in a glass of distilled water three times a day and working up to 25 drops. What really happens is:


“Hydrogen peroxide is converted to water and oxygen in the stomach and the oxygen is burped out, not absorbed into the body. It does not raise body oxygen levels. The amount (a few drops added to a glass of distilled water) is negligible; adding this amount of 35% hydrogen peroxide to water doesn’t even bring it up to the level of the 3% solution sold as a topical disinfectant.”


On June 8, 2023 Madison Cavanaugh got her own page at the Encyclopedia of American Loons.


The cartoon was colorized from this one at Openclipart.


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