Friday, September 1, 2023

On August 26, 2023 this blog had a gigantic spike in page views, with 27.6 times the annual average















Because this blog is not commercial, I don’t look hard at the number of page views I’m getting each day. But on August 26th something quite amazing happened. As shown above, there were 12,295 views – which is 27.6 times the annual average of 446 per day. What on earth had happened?


On August 25th I had blogged about how Preaching is a very special form of public speaking. As is usual, I had put that post at the Public Speaking group on LinkedIn (my only ‘advertising’ for the blog). The group owner, James Feudo, recommended it – which meant it was featured pinned at the top of the page rather than moving down after newer posts appeared. It has received over 134 impressions. That presumably led a lot of people to my blog. 










What about the long term? As shown above, there only have been two months, June 2016 and July 2023 when this blog has averaged over 2000 page views per day.


I started Joyful Public Speaking after I joined Toastmasters International. As I learned about public speaking, I wanted to reach further than the ~20 people in a typical club. Just on August 26th the blog reached ~615 times that number of people.


On June 7, 2021 I blogged about how Your speech has more reach than you think. In that post I discussed John Zimmer’s notion that you should multiply the time for your speech by the number of people in your audience. I called it the reach, in units of person-minutes. LinkedIn estimated the reading time for my blog post on preaching at 2 minutes, so its reach would similarly be 24,590 person-minutes or 409.8 person-hours, or 17.08 person-days.


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