Saturday, September 2, 2023

The National Speakers Association stopped publishing the free print version of their bimonthly Speaker magazine. The last issue was for January-February 2023.


















In her song, Big Yellow Taxi, Joni Mitchell lamented:


“Don’t it always seem to go

 that you don’t know what you’ve got

 till it’s gone”


That sentiment applies to the Speaker magazine by the National Speakers Association, which is subtitled The Art and Business of Professional Speaking. In the January-February 2023 issue they announced going digital only. It now apparently is in their members-only Digital Vault.


 But there still is a five-and-a-half-year archive where you can download issues for free. I blogged about it in a couple of posts. On January 5, 2020 one described how Toastmasters may also enjoy reading articles in another bimonthly magazine, and on January 15, 2021 another described how Toastmasters also is for professional speakers like NSA members.


The image was modified from one of a courthouse safe.


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