Saturday, December 9, 2023

Did Idaho’s education freedom have a losing streak?








No! At the Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) on December 7, 2023 there is an article by Ronald M. Nate mistitled Losing Streak – Idaho Education Freedom. It’s not really a losing streak. As shown above in a table from the IFF article, for the five categories in the Heritage Foundation’s Education Freedom Report Card, Idaho ranked first in Return on Investment (both this and last year). This year we were ranked in the Top Ten in two categories, the Top Twenty in three categories, and the Top Thirty in all five categories.


But it makes more sense to also list where we ranked relative to our six neighboring states of Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. As shown below, we ranked first in Return on Investment (#1), second on Transparency (#8) and Overall (#11), third on Teacher Freedom (#23), and fourth on Education Choice (#29). That's not bad! 


Return on Investment

State                Rank               

Idaho               #1 (same as last year)

Utah                #2       

Nevada            #3       

Washington     #8                               

Montana         #26                 

Oregon            #39                  -

Wyoming         #41     



State                Rank

Montana         #6

Idaho               #8                               

Utah                #9       

Nevada            #19                 

Wyoming         #23                 

Oregon            #25                             

Washington     #36     



State                Rank

Utah                #3       

Idaho               #11     

Montana         #17                             

Nevada            #23                 

Wyoming         #34                 

Washington     #43                 

Oregon            #51                  


Teacher Freedom

State                Rank               

Wyoming         #15 (tie)         

Utah                #19     

Idaho               #23                 

Montana         #37                 

Nevada            #42                 

Washington     #49                 

Oregon            #51                             


Education Choice

State                Rank               

Utah                #8

Montana         #10

Nevada            #24     

Idaho               #29

Wyoming         #44                 

Oregon            #46                 

Washington     #47                 


The Idaho Freedom Foundation has an axe to grind with education, as I blogged about on February 24, 2019 in a post titled A radical dismissal of our state public education system.


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