Friday, December 8, 2023

How to Write a Great Commencement Speech




















There is an excellent whitepaper from January 10, 2018 by Aaron Hoover at the Professional Speechwriters Association (PSA) titled How to Write a Great Commencement Speech (and Why You Must). You can download the 12-page .pdf file here. Mr. Hoover discusses how these speeches share five common characteristics:


Impart personal wisdom based on a candid account of life experiences

Relay a simple, socially sharable message

Consider the present times

Advise and inspire through example rather than exhortation

Convey joy, fun and celebration.


There are five boxes with lists of tips, and at the end he has lists of dos and don’ts. Under further resources there are links to some great speeches.


Back on June 29, 2016 I blogged about Commencement speeches and big questions. This year I blogged about two speeches, August 4, 2023 on Quotations from Vital Speeches of the Day: #3 Marcus Fila on playing the long game, and September 17, 2023 on Quotations from Vital Speeches of the Day: #5 – John McEnroe on how This is the Time to Take Your Shots.


There is a May 15, 2019 press release titled Toastmasters International Lists 5 Memorable Commencement Speeches in the Last 5 Years.  


An image of the 1991 commencement at the University of Michigan - Dearborn came from the Library of Congress.


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