Monday, January 1, 2024

In 2024 only you can prevent bad presentations




















On New Year’s Day we reflect and may make resolutions. My post title borrows from Smokey Bear public service announcements (Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires), as I mentioned in my first post in this series back in 2015. It was followed by 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. I skipped 2023, since I’d run out of good images. Then I found this Puck cartoon from October 18, 1893 at the Library of Congress.


An article by Nick Morgan at Public Words on January 4, 2020 titled My public speaking New Year’s resolutions for 2020 gave his five:


I’ll focus on the positive.

I’ll increase my volunteer and pro bono work.

I’ll double down on the facts.

I’ll ration my social media.

I’m going to stay open to the world in spite of all the apocalyptic stuff going down.


And at PR Newswire on December 19, 2023 there is a press release titled Toastmasters 8 Tips for Keeping Your 2024 New Year’s Resolutions. They are:


Be realistic.

Be specific.

Plan ahead.

Make a list of resolutions and check on them.

Start small.

Hold yourself accountable.

Stay positive.

Celebrate your successes.


There also is an article at einPresswire on December 27, 2023 titled Unsolicited advice from author and guest speaker Matthew Cossolotto: Turn New Year’s Resolutions into promises.


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