Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Ten simple rules for engaging in clear communication















There is a very useful article by Brittney G. Borowiec at PLoS Computational Biology in July 2023 titled Ten simple rules for scientists engaging in science communication. But those more generally useful rules for planning are:


 1]  Define your goals

 2]  Figure out who and where your audience is

 3]  Pick an arena that suits your goals and plays to your strengths

 4]  Come up with a clear headline message 

 5]  Beware of jargon

 6]  Show your audience why they should care

 7]  Tell your audience how to react 

 8]  Get some feedback, evaluate, and improve

 9]  Consider equity, diversity, and inclusion

10] Remember that these rules are interdependent


She notes that:


"There are several excellent templates for crafting an effective science communication message (The COMPASS Message Box, Olson’s And/But/Therefore, the Union of Concerned Scientists’ basic science/newfinding/implications approach, etc.)"


The glossy ten was adapted from this image at Openclipart.


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