Sunday, February 11, 2024

A Pearls Before Swine cartoon about overcoming a metaphorical writer’s block




















On February 6, 2024 there is a Pearls Before Swine cartoon by Stephan Pastis with the following dialogue:


Pig: What do you do if you’re a writer and the ideas just won’t come?

Rat: Like a broken gumball machine you hit yourself on the side of the head until an idea rolls out.

Rat [to Goat]: The life of a writer is not for everyone.


On September 14, 2021 I published a blog post asking Are you stuck in a rut? It linked to a brief article by Kathleen Fordyce on page 27 in the October 2015 issue of Toastmaster Magazine titled 3 Ways to shake off writer’s block. She advised you to:


1] Start with a list

2] Imagine you are talking to your best friend

3] Brainstorm for 10 minutes


There is another article by Aleks Curac Saric at Medium on May 17, 2015 titled The only cure for writer’s block is to stop trying to write. It shows a Calvin & Hobbes cartoon where Calvin made a literal writer’s block.


And on March 23, 2015 I blogged about how Writer’s block is like getting your car stuck in mud up to the axles.


The image was adapted from one at Openclipart.


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