Friday, February 16, 2024

Laura Bergells article on Unconventional Ways to Improve Public Speaking





















At LinkedIn Pulse on February 13, 2024 there is an interesting article by Laura Bergells titled Embrace the Weirdness! Unconventional Ways to Improve Public Speaking. One way she mentions and pictures is practicing with books on your head to improve posture. That’s listed in TVtropes and shown at Getty Images. You could instead try a roll of paper, as shown above.


She noted that a technique like holding your arms up with palms out would initially feel weird. But that looks open, versus a closed gesture of crossing your arms.


















Another weird way might be to (as shown above) give your speech while sitting down on the floor or stage. Gestures will feel different!


Images were adapted from the 1905 book by Lina Beard and Adelia B. Beard titled How to Amuse Yourself and Others (pages 378 and 252) from Wikimedia Commons.


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