Monday, April 29, 2024

Four Fresh Approaches for Providing Effective Evaluation Rather Than a Sandwich













One common method for providing feedback (evaluations) is the “sandwich method.” For example, a brief article at the bottom of page 13 in the July 2023 issue of Toastmaster magazine titled Expert Advice for Evaluations says:  


“Many Toastmasters use the ‘sandwich method,’ which layers the evaluation into three parts: what the speaker did well, suggestions on areas for improvement, and an upbeat conclusion that encourages the speaker to continue growing in their chosen path.”


An article by Melinda McGuire in Faculty Focus on April 24, 2024 titled Is the Sandwich Method Getting Stale? Fresh Approaches to Providing Effective Student Feedback discusses four other approaches:


SBI Model: Situation, Behavior and Impact

COIN Model: Context, Observation, Impact, Next Steps

GROW Model: Goal, Reality. Options, Way Forward

CEDAR Model: Context, Example, Diagnosis, Actions, Review


An image of a peanut-butter-and-jelly-sandwich came from Evan-Amos at Wikimedia Commons.


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