Thursday, April 18, 2024

Three quotations about public speaking from Dwight Garner’s 2020 book Garner’s Quotations: A Modern Miscellany















On March 24, 2024 I blogged about Have you ever eaten a peanut butter and pickle sandwich? I referred to New York Times book critic Dwight Garner’s 2023 book The Upstairs Delicatessen, which is subtitled On Eating, Reading, Reading About Eating, and Eating While Reading. His interesting previous 2020 book is Garner’s Quotations: A Modern Miscellany. That book unfortunately lacks a subject index. But I skimmed it and found three quotes about public speaking.


On page 91 George W. Bush described Donald Trump’s 2017 inauguration speech:


“That was some weird shit.”


On page 101 Clive James described George W. Bush:


“[He] should not be delivering a State of the Union address. He should be delivering pizza.”


Also on page 101, Christopher Hitchens said:


“If you can give a decent speech in public or cut any kind of figure on the podium, then you never need dine or sleep alone.”


The open book image came from Openclipart.



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