Monday, June 21, 2021

Dilbert cartoon about Zoom backgrounds














Today’s Dilbert cartoon is titled Zoom Background Designer. The dialogue is as follows:

Dogbert: The background of your video calls says a lot about you. For example, it’s obvious you have no woman in your life, and your knickknacks suggest you are a latent serial killer.

Wally: Spookily accurate.

Dogbert: Exactly. That’s what we don’t want.


On March 20, 2016 I blogged about why you Don’t dress like a ninja when you are going to speak! A poorly chosen black or white background also can be awful, if your clothing matches it.

On May 8, 2021 I blogged about Creating wallpapers for Zoom virtual backgrounds.


The image of Vejigante masks on display in San Juan was adapted from one by the Eloquent Peasant at Wikimedia Commons.


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