Monday, July 1, 2024

A terrible way for getting confident to speak in public














On June 21, 2024 Zach Weinersmith published a Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal comic titled Star with the following captions:


“In closing, I wish to note that every asterisk used in this 

   presentation was a different photograph of my anus.

I increased the contrast until they just looked like stars,

   but knowing their origin is what gave me

   the confidence to speak to you this evening.

Thank you, goodnight, God bless you all,

   and the question marks were actually my balls.”


That’s much worse than the old advice I blogged about on July 30, 2009 in a post titled Who said to picture your audience naked? There also is an article by Chamin Ajjan at CNBC Make It on June 7, 2024 titled ‘Picture your audience naked’ is bad public speaking advice that ‘doesn’t work in real life’ – here’s what to do instead.


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